Goualougo Triangle – the realm of chimpanzees

Chimpanzee using tools in Goualougo Triangle. Humans never lived in this forest

Large tract of pristine lowland rainforest, dubbed "The Last Eden" or "The Last Place on Earth" due to its virgin wildlife. Local chimpanzees, as well as other animals, have never met humans – it seems that humans have never lived here.

Lake Tele

Mysterious Lake Tele, Republic of Congo

Round freshwater lake deep in swampland and rainforest, possible impact crater. According to local stories in this lake and surrounding area lives mokèlé-mbèmbé – purported giant reptile. This remote area is very rich with rare species of plants and animals including a population of more than 120 thousand gorillas. Many other cryptids were reported, such as mahamba – giant crocodile.

Wonders of the Republic of Congo

Chimpanzee using tools in Goualougo Triangle. Humans never lived in this forest

Wondermondo 🢖 World 🢖 Wonders of Africa 🢖 Wonders of the Republic of Congo Territory Wonders of the Republic of Congo   Highlights The Republic of Congo is an exotic country with diverse landscapes. Most of the country is covered with pristine rainforest and in some parts of the country humans have never lived – and don’t live up to this day. […]