Tnjri (Skhtorashen plane-tree)

Tnjri - possibly the world's largest plane-tree

Giant plane-tree (Platanus orientalis). The circumference is 27 m, height of the tree – 54 m. The tree has a hollow with an area of 44 m². Between the roots of this tree starts Tengru spring.

Wonders of Azerbaijan

Besh Barmag Mountain, ancient sacred place in Azerbaijan

Wondermondo 🢖 World 🢖 Wonders of Asia 🢖 Wonders of Azerbaijan Territory Wonders of Azerbaijan   Highlights Few countries have such unusual, exotic landmarks as Azerbaijan. Here are found such natural and man-made wonders as: Mud volcanoes – almost 400, more than half of these unusual natural landmarks are found in Azerbaijan. Natural eternal flames (ateshgahs) – these torches of natural gas […]