Wolfe Creek crater

Wolfe Creek Crater, Australia

Western Australia. Visually expressive meteorite impact crater, 875 meters in diameter, 60 meters deep. Created some 300,000 years ago.

Veevers crater

Veevers crater in Australia, September 2011

One of the best preserved small impact craters, formed some 4000 years ago. Diameter – 75 m, depth – 7 m.

Wonders of Western Australia

Wave Rock, Western Australia

Wondermondo 🢖 World 🢖 Wonders of Australia and Oceania 🢖 Wonders of Australia 🢖 Wonders of Western Australia Territory Wonders of Western Australia   Highlights This giant Australian state is spectacular and very rich with diverse, unusual landmarks. The most amazing wonders of Western Australia are: Biodiversity. Most of Western Australia is dry land, but far lands across this desert in the western part […]

Wonders of Australia

Uluru, Australia

Wondermondo 🢖 World 🢖 Wonders of Australia and Oceania 🢖 Wonders of Australia Territory Wonders of Australia   Highlights Australia covers the smallest continent of the world and islands around this continent. A major part of the wonders of Australia are natural monuments but of global importance are also such archaeological monuments as Australian cliff paintings and some architecture monuments, e.g. Sydney […]

Morning Glory clouds of Carpentaria Gulf

Morning Glory clouds, Queensland

A unique phenomenon, characteristic for the region at the southern part of Carpentaria Gulf. Here in springs early in the morning at special conditions form up to 1000 km long roll clouds, providing unique sight.

Dinosaur Cove

Atlascopcosaurus loadsi, model in Jura Park, Poland

The richest find of dinosaur remnants in Australia. Here were discovered the first polar dinosaurs and the first southern tyrannosaurs.

Centurion tree – the tallest eucalyptus

The highest known mountain ash and eucalypt (Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.) in the world, making this the second tallest tree species in the world. Height 99.8 m, diameter 4.05 m (girth 13.7 m), volume 268 m3. Has been at least 103 m tall but the top is broken. The tree has suffered during the fires in January 2019 but is alive.


An enormous eucalypt – swamp gum (Eucalyptus regnans). 86.5 m tall, diameter 3.90 m.