Large Binocular Telescope

Large Binocular Telescope

One of the most sophisticated optical telescopes in the world with two 8.4 m large mirrors. Constructed in 1996 – 2004.

Mauna Kea Observatory

Observatories on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawai'i

Group of astronomical research facilities on the summit of Mauna Kea. In total there are 12 telescopes, each into separate buildings, some telescopes belong to the largest in the world. This is a special land use zone, named “Astronomy Precinct” and established in 1967. Summit of Mauna Kea is free of light pollution, there is low humidity and the atmospheric conditions, in general, are stable.

HAARP Research Station, Alaska

HAARP Research Station

Ionospheric research facility – high-power radio frequency transmitter that is able to excite the ionosphere above it. This is a subject of numerous conspiracy theories.



Ancient astronomical (astrological?) observatory, built in the 7th century AD. One of the oldest observatories in the world.