Roopkund – Skeleton Lake

The mysterious Roopkund Lake, India

At this glacial lake at great height were found more than 500 skeletons of pilgrims. These people died around the 12th – 15th century AD. Further studies of the damages to their skulls have shown that these people died from sudden hailstorms – there was no shelter and people died from falling iceballs.

Naga fireballs of Mekong

Naga lights rise above Mekong

Unique phenomenon – glowing reddish balls rising from the water of Mekong River and going upwards in the air. Local people even organize festivities at late nights of October to observe this weird sight. Sometimes there are seen thousands of such balls per night. It is possible that this is the combustion of gases emanating from the river sediments.

Chir Batti

Unexplained phenomenon – dancing lights are seen in dark nights above Banni grasslands and Rann of Kutch salt flats. Known to local people since ancient times and multiple times seen also by foreign biologists.

Son Bhandar Caves

Two rock-cut chambers in India, near Rajgir. Contain undeciphered inscription, reportedly – a password to the cave with treasure.

Jata Shankar, Pachmarhi

A natural cave in a deep ravine. A popular destination for religious tourism, connected to legends about the life of Shiva.