Merchandise Mart

Merchandise Mart in Chicago

A giant department store that was built in 1930 in Art Deco style. It was the largest building in the world at this time. The massive building is 104 m tall and has 25 floors. The length of its corridors is some 10 kilometers.

Marshall Field and Company Building

Marshall Field & Company Building

Enormous department store building that has set many standards for luxurious downtown department stores around the world. This enormous building has 13 floors and is 46 m high. It was constructed in 1902-1906. The building has several very impressive atriums and rich ornamentations including the largest glass mosaic in the world. Here were offered the first dining facilities inside the store, first personal shopping assistants, first escalators in stores, first public price tags and many other business innovations. Famous features are two enormous, ornate clocks on the corners of the building.

Sullivan Center

Ornamentation on the ground floor facade of Sullivan Center

An enormous office building, a representative of Chicago School in architecture. The building is 63 m high and has 12 floors. Very impressive is the façade of the first two floors that has very rich ornamentation.

Old Slave Mart in Charleston

Old Slave Mart in Charleston

One of the last slave auction galleries in the United States. This historic building was constructed in 1859 and slaves were sold here until 1863. Now here is the Old Slave Mart Museum.