Sonda Chica

Some 3 – 4 m high blowhole with a narrow fountain – it is similar to a geyser.

El Bufadero

Blowhole with an impressive, slanted fountain. Its fountain can be more than 10 m high.

Suspiro del Diablo Blowhole

Comparatively small but active blowhole. It emits a several metres high fountain of mist and characteristic noise.

Keahole Point blowhole

One of the rather many blowholes in this area, formed on lava bed that reached the sea here. At rough weather the fountain from the blowhole is several meters high. Belowed photography place.

Spouting Horn in Kauai

Spouting Horn in Kauai

A hissing and roaring blowhole that creates up to 15 and even 30 m high jets of water. Nearby was a larger blowhole but it was blown up because the saltwater spray from it damaged the nearby cane fields.

Blaster Hole on the Horse of Copinsay

Horse of Copinsay and waves

Sea jet and also blowhole that has formed in this small island – sea stack. At strong winds from the east, the water jets can be up to 60 m high.

La Bufadora

La Bufadora

Magnificent and very noisy blowhole that can be more than 30 m high if counted above the sea level.

Devil’s Bellows on Asparagus Island

Slanted plume of water that shoots through a narrow hole that goes through the rocky island. Here is also Post Office or Devil’s Letterbox – hole that sucks in the air. The suction is sufficient to “swallow” a letter.

Pirates Bay Blowhole

Pirates Bay Blowhole, Tasmania

Sea cave with a collapsed roof – blowhole. At rough weather, the splashes are up to 10 m high. The blowhole is some 90 m from the sea.