Elizabeth Springs

Elizabeth Springs, Queensland

Remote springs in an arid region, where over the last 1.8 million years has developed a unique ecosystem with endemic species, such as a fish – Elizabeth Springs goby (Chlamydogobius micropterus Larson), snail, four species of plants, etc.

The Daintree Rainforest

The Daintree Rainforest, Queensland

Scenically beautiful rainforest in Australia with a very high biological diversity. This forest contains unique, primitive flowering plants that survived the dry climatic periods in smaller areas of climatic refuge.

Litchfield magnetic termite mounds

Magnetic termite mounds, Litchfield National Park in Australia

Unique landscape formed by multiple flat termite mound formations oriented in the north-south direction in order to control the temperature inside the mounds. These mounds are built by a specific species of termites – Amitermes meridionalis.

Hamelin Pool and L’haridon Bight

Stromatolites in Shark Bay, Hamelin Pool in Western Australia

Hypersaline shallows with unique biotope – active growth of stromatolites – the oldest known form of life on Earth. Also other unique forms of life.


Avalokitesvara in Kwanum Cave, Kwanumsa

Korean Buddhist temple, founded in 970 AD. Temple built in 1393, contains many valuable relics. Includes Kwanum Cave with ancient statues.

Songam Caves

Songam Cave

7 km long system of caves with beautiful speleothems, opened for tourists.

Ryongmun Cavern

In Ryongmun Caverns

7 km long cave system with up to 40 m tall cave rooms. Here are wonderful cave formations including several giant stalagmites, in the cave is Samsonam Falls – some 30 m tall waterfall.

Ullim Falls

Ullim Falls

Large waterfall with two major cascades. 75 m tall. The falling water creates a powerful echo in the narrow valley.

Suyangsan Falls

Suyangsan Falls

128 m tall waterfall, sliding down along very steep granite face.