Hunter Spring

Hunter Spring, Crystal River

Hunter Spring is 1st magnitude spring with an output of 878.4 l/s. This is subaquatic spring, the area around it is covered with park and housing.

Tarpon Hole (King’s Spring)

Tarpon Hole or King's Spring, Florida

One of the best places to see manatees in nature is King’s Spring or Tarpon Hole – a subaquatic spring in King’s Bay. The spring has an output of 1,213 l/s.

Leppaluði borehole

Leppaluði borehole

Often tourists mix up two hot springs or geysers – the artificial and more active Leppaluði borehole and dormant Grýla – once impressive…

Grýla – geyser near Hveragerði

Grýla geyser, Iceland

Now Grýla is dormant or even extinct geyser – but some decades ago it was one of the most impressive Icelandic geysers, up to 10 m high.