Ala-Tey burial ground

Burial mound from Xiongnu period from the 2nd century BC – 1st century AD. Here are very rich, unlooted burials of Huns that were created at the period when this culture started the Great Migration and arrived here from some region in Northern China. The burial mound is endangered by the flooding due to hydropower plant and there are on-going salvage excavations to extract the information before it is lost.

Terezin burial ground

Burial mound from the 2nd century BC – 1st century AD. Here have been made very interesting finds of Hun culture including a body of a partly mummified woman with rich garments and jewelry including a belt buckle with has been nicknamed “Natasha’s iPhone” due to its similarity to a phone case. The burial mound is endangered by the flooding due to hydropower plant and there are on-going salvage excavations to extract the information before it is lost.