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Lists and articles

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Crowhurst Yew, Surrey
Crowhurst Yew / Donald Macauley, / CC BY-SA 2.0

10 largest yew trees in the United Kingdom

There are numerous giant yew trees in the churchyards in the United Kingdom. These trees are a part of the cultural landscape, a beautiful accent in the rich scenery of Britain. This article is an attempt to list the largest of them.

Rainbow Springs, Florida
Rainbow Springs, Florida. / Paul Clark, Flickr / CC BY 2.0

First magnitude springs in Florida

Unique landmarks of Florida are its magnificent, powerful springs. In this article are reviewed the largest of them – first magnitude springs of Florida whose mean discharge exceeds 100 cubic feet (2,832 liters) per second.

Nave of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Nave of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. / 7777777kz, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

10 oldest churches in the world

This article is a honest attempt to find the oldest known churches in the world, trying to seep through the concepts of word “church”, legends and archaeological uncertainties.

Staisu Oak, May 2023. The tree is proportional, thus on an image it looks a lot smaller than it is in reality. It is a giant!
Staisu Oak, May 2023. The tree is proportional, thus on an image it looks a lot smaller than it is in reality. It is a giant! / Gatis Pāvils, CC BY-SA 4.0

10 largest oaks in Latvia

This article lists 10 oak trees with the largest girth in Latvia – 10 inspiring and unspeakably gorgeous wonders of nature. Author visited all of them and each of these encounters brought much happiness.

Ametrine crystal - jewel with a round cut
Ametrine crystal – jewel with a round cut. / Gemsphoto, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

10 unique gemstones

In this article are listed 10 unique gemstone finds. Each of these locations is the only place in the world where is mined a certain, rare gemstone.

Tiputini River
Tiputini River./ Michael Eisen, Flickr / CC BY 2.0

10 unique forests

Many forests of the world are unusual but some are just without analogs. This article is about some of the most unusual ones.

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