La Quemada

La Quemada, Zacatecas

Remnants of an ancient city from 300 – 1200 AD. It is unclear which culture built it. The architecture of structures resembles the style of great Mesoamerican cultures but the city is located far north from other Mesoamerican cities. Impressive building is Votive Pyramid.


Avenue of the Dead in Teotihuacan, Mexico

One of the largest ancient cities in the world with numerous monuments of architecture and art. Established sometime around 200 BC and was abandoned in the 7th – 8th centuries AD. A hugely impressive monument of urban planning is Avenue of the Dead. The pyramid of the Sun is the third largest ancient pyramid in the world. Height – 71,2 m. The pyramid of the Moon is an older pyramid from 200 – 450 AD, 42 m high.

Monte Albán

Monte Albán, Oaxaca

One of the earliest urban centers in Mesoamerica, a center of Zapotec culture for nearly 1000 years. Founded sometime around 500 BC and inhabited until 750 AD. Contains remnants of many impressive structures such as Main Plaza, Ballgame Court, numerous stone carvings.


Mitla in Mexico, mosaic fretwork of the wall

The most important religious center for the ancient Zapotec culture, developed in 900 BC – 1521 AD. Renowned due to elaborate mosaic fretwork adorning the facades of the buildings, panels, tombs. History of the city continued until destruction by Spanish in middle of the 16th century.


Uxmal, Adivino Pyramid

Once an important center of the ancient Maya culture with well-preserved structures. Flourished in 700 – 1100 AD. The architecture of Uxmal is considered to be of very high quality visually and structurally and belongs to the best achievements of the Puuc style.


Palenque, Mexico

Ruins of a Mayan city that flourished in the 7th century AD. The city is located in the middle of the jungle, on the hill overlooking the coastal plains. Another is the fact that Palenque contains some of the finest known Mayan architecture and artwork. The most interesting structures are the Palace of Palenque and Temple of the Inscriptions with important records of the history of the city and sarcophagus of Pakal – ruler of the city.



Ancient center of lowland Maya culture, cultural and political capital of the region in the 1220ies – 1440ies. Remnants of more than 4000 structures, most inside 9 km long defensive wall. Most impressive structure – El Castillo pyramid (Kukulcan Temple).


Labná, Gateway Arch

Important ceremonial center of ancient Mayan civilization. Comparatively small city that flourished around the 9th century AD. Renowned due to elaborate Puuc style architecture represented in such structures as Gateway Arch at the ancient road to Uxmal and the 120 m long palace (El Palacio).


Kabah, Palace of the Masks

Remnants of an ancient Mayan city, flourished in the 7th – 11th century AD. Contains the unusual Palace of the Masks – facade of this building is adorned with hundreds of masks of rain god Chaac.

Chichen Itza

El Castillo pyramid, Chichen Itza

A major urban center of lowland Maya culture with numerous monuments of world importance and fame. Chichen Itza became an important center around 600 AD and remained such a center until its fall around 1000 AD. Some of the best-known monuments are the El Castillo pyramid, the Great Ball Court, Temple de Los Guerreros, El Caracol observatory, Ossario pyramid.