Madeira Airport runway

Madeira Airport runway

One of the most daring airport structures in the world – a runway that was built partly on an artificial platform. This platform is elevated on 180 columns that rise 70 m from the sea and also above a highway.

House of Columbus in Vila Baleira

House of Columbus in Vila Baleira

A house where Christopher Columbus and his wife lived at the end of the 15th century before Columbus discovered America. Now here is a museum.

Fort of São Tiago

Fort of São Tiago

This fort was built at the seaside in the 16th – 17th century and is preserved in a very good state.

Cathedral of Funchal

Funchal Cathedral, Madeira

One of the oldest structures in Madeira, built in Gothic style in the 1490ies – 1518.

Cabo Girão

Cabo Girão, Madeira

A prominent cliff face, rising up to 589 m high directly from the ocean. Cliff is some 3 km wide. At the foot of the cliff in some places is a narrow strip of land with terraced fields – Fajãs de Cabo Girão.

Tehuacan stone snakes (tecuates)

Unusual and impressive travertine formations. These formations mark the lime deposits of ancient channels. The soil has weathered away leaving the hardened lime as enormous snakes stretching across the valley. These natural “channels” were used for the irrigation by local people before the coming of Spanish.

Santa María del Agua de Landa

Santa María del Agua de Landa

The last of the five gorgeous Franciscan missions in Sierra Gorda, built in 1760 – 1768. Church has elaborate, sumptuous façade that has been made by very skilled artisans.

San Francisco del Valle de Tilaco

San Francisco del Valle de Tilaco

The best preserved of the five Franciscan missions in Sierra Gorda, built in 1744 – 1762. Church has a sumptuous façade influenced by the Baroque style and at the same time representing the indigenous art.

Nuestra Señora de la Luz de Tancoyol

Nuestra Señora de la Luz de Tancoyol

The most elaborate of the five gorgeous Franciscan missions of Sierra Gorda, built in 1760 – 1766. The ornate façade of the church symbolises the mercy.