Naga fireballs of Mekong

Naga lights rise above Mekong

Unique phenomenon – glowing reddish balls rising from the water of Mekong River and going upwards in the air. Local people even organize festivities at late nights of October to observe this weird sight. Sometimes there are seen thousands of such balls per night. It is possible that this is the combustion of gases emanating from the river sediments.

Chir Batti

Unexplained phenomenon – dancing lights are seen in dark nights above Banni grasslands and Rann of Kutch salt flats. Known to local people since ancient times and multiple times seen also by foreign biologists.

Cherrapunji (Sohra)

335 m tall Nohkalikai Falls falling from Cherrapunji plateau are fed just by 2 km long stream. Without heavy rains it would be much smaller

The rainiest site in the world, except for the nearby Mawsynram. Cherrapunji nowadays gets 11,430 mm per year. In some years rainfall is much higher – up to 24,555 mm in Cherrapunji. Most of the rain falls in June – August.

Places with meteorological phenomena

Morning Glory clouds, Queensland

Wondermondo 🢖 Categories of wonders 🢖 Geological wonders 🢖 Places with meteorological phenomena Category Places with meteorological phenomena Described places with meteorological phenomena What is included in this category? Unusual weather conditions can happen in any place in the world. But there are locations where unusual meteorological phenomena are observed frequently – even every day. There are not too many landmarks […]

Nohkalikai Falls

335 m tall Nohkalikai Falls falling from Cherrapunji plateau are fed just by 2 km long stream. Without heavy rains it would be much smaller

This is a beautiful 335 meters high plunge over a giant, overhanging cliff, almost directly into a lake.


A town with the highest measured rainfall in the world. Mawsynram gets 11,873 mm per year – 20 times more than in London. Most of the rain falls in June – August.


Gullfoss, Iceland

Wondermondo 🢖 Categories of wonders 🢖 Geological wonders 🢖 Waterfalls Category Waterfalls Described waterfalls What is included in this category? Some of the most fascinating and awe inspiring natural monuments are waterfalls, or locations where a river abruptly changes its elevation. Origins Waterfalls and rapids or sections of rivers with steep beds have diverse origins. Self-shaped falls Many waterfalls, including the […]

Hindu shrines

Sri Meenakshi Temple - gopuram

Wondermondo 🢖 Categories of wonders 🢖 Architectural wonders 🢖 Religious architecture 🢖 Hindu shrines Category Hindu shrines Described Hindu shrines What is included in this category? Hinduism is one of the oldest religions – possibly the oldest one among contemporary religions. Sometimes it is disputed whether the diverse religious traditions of enormous and diverse India form this single religion. Some other Indian religions […]