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Makauwahi Cave

Makauwahi sinkhole - enatrance in the cave
Makauwahi sinkhole – enatrance in the cave. / Mary and Andrew, Flickr / CC BY 2.0

WorldBlue  In short

The largest limestone cave in Hawaii, the richest fossil find in Pacific. Graveyard of ancient Hawaiians. The cave contains a sinkhole with a lake. This lake contains a 10,000 years-long history of sedimentation thus providing a very detailed and precise timeline of a natural evolution in Hawai’i. Here have been found remnants of numerous species of extinct birds.

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GPS coordinates
21.88842 N 159.41877 W
Location, address
Oceania, United States, Hawaii, south of Kaua’i island
Caves, Fossil finds, Prehistoric and ancient cemeteries

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