World 🢖 Australia and Oceania 🢖 Australia 🢖 South Australia

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Naracoorte Caves

Skeleton of extinct marsupial, entrance of Naracoorte Cave in Australia
Skeleton of extinct marsupial, entrance of Naracoorte Cave / , Flickr / CC BY 2.0

WorldBlue  In short

Group of 28 caves which contain remnants of 99 species of mammals plus remnants of other kinds of animals. Exceptionally well preserved remains of extinct animals range in size from small frogs to extinct giant marsupials.

4.5 out of 10 stars 45.3%

GPS coordinates
37.0364 S 140.7974 E
Location, address
Australia and Oceania, Australia, South Australia, Limestone Coast Region, Robe County, south from Naracoorte town

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