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Wonders of the United States Virgin Islands

Hurricane Hole, United States Virgin Islands
Hurricane Hole / Molly Stevens, / CC BY-SA 2.0

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United States Virgin islands are an insular area of the United States.

These beautiful islands are rich with historical architecture.

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WorldViolet Top 12 wonders of the United States Virgin Islands

Biological wonders

Hurricane Hole

Unusual underwater ecosystem, where mangroves grow together with corals. Here are some 30 species of corals, as well as high diversity of other organisms.

Solanum conocarpum find

Find of a very rare tree that is known only from a single place – this location.

Archaeological wonders

Reef Bay Valley petroglyphs

Group of well-preserved petroglyphs at the waterfall of Living Gut stream.

Reef Bay Valley petroglyphs, American Virgin Islands
Reef Bay Valley petroglyphs / Jamy Dwyer, / CC BY-SA 2.0

Architecture wonders


An unusual town built by Danish and black people. As a result, it shows influences of both Danish and African art and architecture influences. Contains many buildings that were built in the 18th – 19th century.

General view of Christiansted, US Virgin Islands
General view of the town / Jason P. Heym, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0
Fort Frederik

Large fort, built by the Danish in 1752 – 1760.

Emmaus Moravian Church

This site, according to local legends, is haunted.

Fort Christian

Danish built fortification, construction started in 1672, basically constructed in 1738. Fine Neo-Gothic entrance with clock tower, built in 1874.

Blackbeard’s Castle

Watchtower, built by Danes in 1679.

St. Thomas Synagogue

The second oldest synagogue in the Americas, constructed in 1833. The congregation was founded in 1796. Sand floor. Wooden furniture and other furnishings made from mahogany, menorah from Spain, the 11th century.

Estate Little Princess

Historic plantation site with Danish-built hospital building from the 19th century and many ruins of historical buildings.

Catharinenberg Sugar Mill Ruins

Comparatively well preserved ruins of the 18th-century sugar and rum factory.

New Herrnhut Moravian Church

A historical Moravian church, built in 1737.

WorldYellow Recommended books

The Cruising Guide to the Virgin Islands

Brand new for 2015-2016, with more Virgin Island photography and full-color detailed anchorage charts, these guides have been indispensable companions for sailors and visitors to these islands since 1982. Includes a free newly designed 17 x 27-inch color planning chart, with aerial photos of some of the anchorages. Covers the Virgin Islands including all the U.S. and British Virgin Islands!

U.S. Virgin Islands: A Guide to National Parklands in the United States Virgin Islands

This beautifully illustrated publication provides insight into the marine and terrestrial ecosystems and human histories of the United States Virgin Islands.

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