World 🢖 Australia and Oceania 🢖 Australia 🢖 South Australia

Thermal springs 🢔 Springs 🢔 Geological wonders 🢔 Categories of wonders


Dalhousie Springs

Warm spring pool, Dalhousie Springs
Warm spring pool, Dalhousie Springs. / Tandrew22, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

WorldBlue  In short

A group of up to 60 powerful thermal springs at the fringe of desert. Temperature of water reaches 38 – 43 degrees C. Total discharge of all springs is around 17000 l/s. Numerous unique, relict species in this ancient ecosystem including several fish species.

4.2 out of 10 stars 42.3%

GPS coordinates
26.4406 S 135.4870 E
Location, address
Australia and Oceania, Australia, South Australia
Ecosystems, Springs, Thermal springs

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