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Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls

Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls in April 2023
Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls in April 2023. / Gatis Pāvils, CC BY-SA 4.0

WorldBlue  In short

An everchanging natural wonder is Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls. In spring and summer over the ledge of sandstone cliff for some 5-6 meters falls a small stream but in winter there forms a massive ice column.

26.4 %

GPS coordinates
57.2853 N 24.932 E
Location, address
Europe, Latvia, Vidzeme, Sigulda municipality, Krimulda parish, on a small stream on the right bank of Brasla at Kraujas farmstead
Name in Latvian
Krauļukalna ieža Ledus alas ūdenskritums (unofficial name), Kraukļukalna ieža ūdenskritums
unnamed brook
Around 5-6 m
Around 0.2 – 0.3 m

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WorldYellow In detail

There are many cliffs, caves, waterfalls, and other natural and man-made wonders in the gorgeous Brasla River Valley. Many of them do not have their official names and, frankly, Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls also is a free interpretation by the author.

Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls in April 2023
Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls in April 2023. / Gatis Pāvils, CC BY-SA 4.0

This is a very recent waterfall that formed over the last few decades. A small stream was channeled to Brasla River in the 20th century and it quickly gnawed in the fragile Devonian sandstone cliffs – Kraulukalns Rock.

Thus, in 1999 (see image) the waterfall was less high, water fell directly on a large stone, splashing the sandstone walls all around it.

Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls in November 1999
Kraulukalns Ice Grotto Falls in November 1999. / Gatis Pāvils, CC BY-SA 4.0

Now (2023) it has receded for more than 10 meters, and the splashes of water and, most likely, some springs have formed a cliff ledge. Waterfall has a smaller (around 1 m) leap and after approximately 1-1.5 m long run the stream leaps over the rim of the cliff and then falls through free air for some 5 meters.

Ice curtain covers Kraulukalns Ice Grotto, March 2003
Ice curtain covers Kraulukalns Ice Grotto, March 2003. / Gatis Pāvils, CC BY-SA 4.0

In winter this small waterfall turns into a giant icicle. A visitor can walk all around this icicle that is several meters high, wide, and thick. Eerie experience!

Behind the ice curtain of Kraulukalns Ice Grotto, March 2003
Behind the ice curtain of Kraulukalns Ice Grotto, March 2003. / Gatis Pāvils, CC BY-SA 4.0

There is another, higher waterfall – icefall some 80 meters to the west.

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