Kanepu Oak (Kaņepu ozols)

Kaņepi Oak tree - one of the largest trees in Latvia.

Most likely, this picturesque tree is the second-largest oak in Latvia by circumference – in 2019 it reached 9.82 m.

Kenn Yew

Kenn Yew

An enormous yew tree next to a church. The circumference of the tree in 1999 was 10.56 m.

Florence Court Yew

Florence Court Yew

Irish Yew or Taxus baccata Fastigiata. This tree was planted around 1760-1780 and all the Irish Yews around the world originate from the saplings of this tree.

Defynnog Yew

Defynnog Yew

The largest of the giant yews in Defynnog village and one of the largest in the British Islands with a circumference of some 10.06 m at ground level.

Discoed Yew

Discoed Yew tree

One of the largest yew trees in the British Islands. Its circumference is 11.28 m or 9.68 m, depending on the source of information.