Lake Tele

Mysterious Lake Tele, Republic of Congo

Round freshwater lake deep in swampland and rainforest, possible impact crater. According to local stories in this lake and surrounding area lives mokèlé-mbèmbé – purported giant reptile. This remote area is very rich with rare species of plants and animals including a population of more than 120 thousand gorillas. Many other cryptids were reported, such as mahamba – giant crocodile.

Tswaing crater

Tswaing crater with the saline lake in it, South Africa

Well preserved impact crater made by some 30 – 50 meters large bolid some 220,000 years ago. Astrobleme is 1.13 km in diameter and 100 m deep, the lake on the bottom has been used by people for salt collection over the last 100,000 years.

Lake Bosumtwi

Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana with the local wooden boat - padua

The most recent medium-sized impact crater, 10.5 km across, formed 1.07 million years ago. Filled with an 8 km wide lake – the largest natural lake in Ghana. Surrounded by dense rainforest.

Bimmah sinkhole

Lake in Bimmah sinkhole, Oman

Approximately 30 m deep sinkhole with a deep blue lake in it. A beloved place for swimming, the best-known sinkhole in Oman.

Macha crater field

Macha craters in Russia - traces of bombardment from the space some 7.3 thousand years ago

The impressive Macha crater field belongs to the best examples of recent bombardment with iron meteorites. These surprisingly fresh-looking craters were formed approximately 7,300 years ago.

Pingualuit crater (Chubb crater)

Pingualuit crater, Canada

Well pronounced and well preserved impact crater, 3.44 km in diameter. Formed some 1.4 million years ago, in the Pleistocene. Rims of the crater rise 160 m above the tundra. The depth of the crater is 400 m, it is partly filled with 267 m deep Pingualuit lake. Lake water is one of the purest in the world.

Kaali Crater

Kaali crater, Estonia

Fairly recent (7 600 – 4 000 years old), well-preserved meteorite craters. The largest crater has a diameter of 110 m and 22 m depth. It has a lake at its bottom and exposed limestone along its rim. The fall of the meteorite created legends.

Boiling Lake

Boiling Lake, Dominica

Flooded fumarole, filled with bubbling greyish-blue water and enveloped in steam. The diameter of this lake is some 63 m. The temperature of the water is 82 – 100 C°. In the late 19th century in the center of the lake formed a geyser that was up to 18 m high. Second largest boiling lake in the world.

Goto Meer (Goto Lake)

Goto Meer, Bonaire

Salt lake with a large population of flamingos. In January – July in the lake are breeding several hundreds of these birds.

Pozo de las Animas – Well of Souls

Pozo de las Ánimas, northern sinkhole

Two closely located sinkholes with small lakes at the bottom. The largest is 101 m deep, including the 21 m deep, blue lake. Wind creates eerie, whistling sounds in the sinkholes.