World 🢖 Africa 🢖 Democratic Republic of the Congo

Volcanoes 🢔 Geological wonders 🢔 Categories of wonders


Mount Nyamuragira

Mount Nyamuragira in January 2014
Mount Nyamuragira in 31st January 2014. / MONUSCO Photos, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0

WorldBlue  In short

Africa’s most active volcano, 3,058 m high. This volcano has erupted 30 times since 1880. As a result, it produces the major part of sulfur dioxide pollution in the world. Frequent eruptions of the volcano have created lava fields.

An intense eruption took place also in 2010 and damaged the virgin rainforest. The volcano contains an intermittent lava lake which seems to become more stable and permanent.

4.8 out of 10 stars 48.3%

GPS coordinates
1.4093 S 29.2058 E
Location, address
Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, North Kivu, Virunga Mountains

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